中共中央 国务院印发《国家突发事件总体应急预案》


发布时间:2024-01-25  来源:国防部发布  字体大小[ ]




  Question: According to reports, naval officers from Japan, Russia, the US and other Pacific countries attended a working meeting of the Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS) in Nanjing to prepare for the biennial meeting to be held in Qingdao in April. Can you give us more details?


  Wu Qian: The PLA Navy (PLAN) hosted the working meeting of the Western Pacific Naval Symposium in Nanjing from January 16 to 18. The meeting, with both in-person and online participation, was attended by about 70 delegates from 23 WPNS member states and 7 observer states. The delegates had friendly, candid and constructive discussions on 10 subjects including the revision of the WPNS Business Charter, the use of the Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (CUES), and the establishment of a working group on unmanned system studies, with the Chinese side as the coordinator. A number of preliminary deliverables were agreed and will be submitted to the 19th biennial meeting for deliberation and vote.


  China will host the 19th WPNS biennial meeting in Qingdao in April. Since the timing coincides with the 75th anniversary of the founding of the people’s navy, the PLAN will also host many other activities.


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